Thousand reasons
to choose excellence.
Plus one.

The history of Villa Russiz story tells many fascinating stories,
and they are all stories of love...


The profound love of the two founders, Elvine Ritter de Zàhony and the Count Theodor De La Tour, challenging and overturning the conventions of the time.

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The love of Theodor for a place and a territory, Russiz and the Collio district around Gorizia, which express an extraordinary natural vocation for wine-growing, responding to the hard work people have invested in them by producing wines with unmatched aromas and flavours.

L'amore per un luogo e un territorio, Russiz e il Collio Goriziano, che, esprimendo una straordinaria vocazione naturale per la viticoltura...

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The charitable love for underprivileged children, which has characterized since the very beginning Elvine's work, with the creation of care and educational structures; and which today, after more than a century, continues to characterize the heart and ethical direction of the activities of Fondazione Villa Russiz.

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Our wines

Fondazione Villa Russiz, immersed in the hills of the Collio district around Gorizia in Capriva del Friuli, is an exclusive location for banquets and ceremonies, private, cultural and business events, professional congresses, conventions and conferences.

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